Sara & Zoja
Ancient friends, curious seekers, inspired by life with a desire to hold space for humans to be their authentic, divine selves and discover their full potential.

Sara Gallagher Bloom

My entire life I’ve been fascinated with the human story…

and I've found yoga as a tool to live a better life. For 20 years, I've explored and taught the physical practices, and what it is to make a home in our physical bodies. Recent years have led me towards the science of Kundalini and the rich narrative of Katonah Yoga. Weaving my tools together, I approach teaching these practices as a trinity of mind, body and breath. I enjoy how the physical body houses us, the breath animates us and the mind potentiates us. I believe that no matter where we are in our journeys, that each moment is an opportunity to direct our vital energy and utilize our time in a meaningful way.

Zoja Smutny

I am an artist, energy healer, yoga instructor, and entrepreneur...

...based between Athens, L.A. and Folegandros, Greece. I run a yoga and wellness studio during the summers on the Cycladic Island of Folegandros at Anemi Hotel. It is here that I hosts yoga retreats, and offer my healing touch energy treatments. I am half Greek and half Czech and come from a lineage of female healers. I have been a choreographer and performer for most of my adult life, holding a Masters in Solo Dance Authorship from the Universität der Kunste in Berlin. Through dance, I became more involved in the healing arts, first through yoga, Thai massage, healing touch, reiki and most recently I’ve obtained a certificate as a Holistic Health Practitioner from the Transformational Arts College in Toronto. I’ve traveled, lived, and worked extensively around the world including Thailand, LA, Berlin, Mexico, Spain, Prague, Athens, and Montreal.